Media Strategy Development & Execution.

We analyze which media steps have the greatest positive impact on your profit and implement them.

Our goal is to help you gain more customers organically and sustainably.

LochnerMedia analyzes data to determine the most promising media steps with the greatest likelihood of success and implements them.

We bring together advertising, marketing, and PR. Our comprehensive range of services, combined with our experience in all these areas, ensures that we can not only provide extensive advice but also put it into action. This way, we support you in successfully positioning and marketing your business.

Book a free ‘Business Funnel Mapping’ now and receive an initial assessment of your funnel, the path your customer takes to reach you. This includes initial improvement suggestions!

Maximize your potential.

Acquired customers.
+ 0
Generated organic impressions per month.
+ 0

Discover the most effective path to acquiring more customers.

There are many ways your business can achieve maximum attention. For example:

Read the free blog article:
Introduction to Digital Customer Acquisition (Link)


The tools


Social Media

Talk to your customers



Foundation for your online presence


Apps / Programs

Time-saving through automation

About Lochner Media

Hello, I am Johannes Lochner, the founder of LochnerMedia.

As a successful online entrepreneur and executor of media projects, I have spent a significant portion of my life building successful businesses and producing media content. I am delighted to be able to use my knowledge and experience to support you.

Ein Portrait von Johannes Lochner dem Inhaber von LochnerMedia
Johannes Lochner (Owner)

Media solutions for all platforms

We are your reliable contact, whether you already know exactly what you want or need assistance in finding the best solution. Trust in our experience, and together we will achieve your goals.